"Listen & Win"
Contest Has
$175.00 Was Up For Grabs
Must be a US Resident and 18+ years of age to win. Contest begins February 10, 2020 at 2pm ET and ends Monday, February 17, 2020 at 2pm ET. One $25 Amazon Gift Card Emailed Link Winner selected per day for 7 complete days. No purchased necessary. Contest is sponsored by WSTR - DB, Lady Starr Radio, PO Box 3049, Sumter, SC 29151 Contestant must:send an email to ladystarr@ladystarrradio.com with the following:
Correctly submit a playlist of all songs played, and in the order played during any hour. Email one submission per day before midnight ET, 11pm CT, 10pm MT & 9pm PT, and before 2pm ET, 1pm CT, noon MT and 11am PT Monday, February 17. However, contestants may win more than once, but not twice on the same day.
Add the following disclaimer to your email:
I certify that I am 18 years or older and consent to have my Twitter Name announced as a winner of the Listen & Win Contest. Here is the list of songs I heard from_____ to _____ ET. (enter time heard and your time zone) on NAME Of SHOW, on (enter date you listened).
Names of Shows are announced every 30 minutes after every hour, with the exception of the Gospel Praise Party. It is announced at 9:05am ET and Love & Heartbreak airs from 6pm - 7pm ET Saturday and Sunday.
Winner will receive notification and Amazon Gift Card link via reply to the email address provided within 30 days of wining and winner's name will be announced daily, via Lady Starr Radio's website, Twitter & Facebook accounts if anyone has elected to play and won. Employees of this station or their family members are not eligible to win.
The Station will not assume any responsibility for any unforseen problems resulting from network connection and the occurrence of events not within the control of the station such as acts of God, connection issues, lightening strikes, terrorists , criminal acts or cyber attacks.